The Selfsufficient blocks
This project is part of a new initiative to build a new city near Beijing, which will define new ecological changes and urban principles for urban planning in China and the world. These four blocks are developed as an urban structure that brings together a community of people who develop a 21st century life, and who must face challenges related to the fight for life and the climate,
typical of our time. The proposal follows the principles of rational urban planning that is harmonious with city life, creating vibrant streets, full of life and commerce, and large courtyard centers with gardens, orchards and citizen facilities. The passages that cross the patios allow the creation of pedestrian circuits, to reinforce the sense of community. Chinese housing has developed following standard models in recent decades. But the emergence of a new young urban class has created the need for new, more flexible housing typologies that offer new forms of development. We propose several types of housing for one person, a family with a child, a family with two children with space for teleworking, and even families with children and older relatives.
Project Name
The Selfsufficient blocks
Competition 1st prize
Xioang, China
Housing, offices, fablabs, landscape
300.000 m2
Xioang municipality
Vicente Guallart
Honorata Grzesikowska
Elisabet Fabrega
Firas Safieddine
Andrea Puebla